wicked lady

Love, Joolz: Wicked Lady's Power

Okay, so I grew up on Sailor Moon. Granted I was a teenager and later an adult when I got into the Chibi-Usa storyline of her not having powers like her mom. Chibi-Usa is Sailor Moon's daughter from the future, but her whole thing is not having the same moon powers as her mom so she feels useless. Any capitalistic society is gonna have stories like that: child who can't live up to the parent's (capitalistic) potential.

I just thought it would be funny to riff on the fact that Chibi-Usa could have gotten her powers from her dad who is probably one of the most useless characters in the whole Sailor Moon series. Mamoru/Endymion/Darien generally doesn't do anything useful except kinda help out with bad guys sometimes. He also gets kidnapped a couple times in the series. He's...not a very useful guy. But what a coincidence his own daughter also lacks big abilities. Author Naoko Takeuchi doesn't seem to draw the parallel between Mamoru and Chibi-Usa, but that's exactly what I'm doing here. We all inherit stuff from our parents that don't always benefit us.

Look, my dad was kind of a terrorist. I can relate to inheriting my parents' bad qualities. This is supposed to be funny.

-Love, Joolz