There is a whole story behind this comic. I tried to distill the whole event down to four panels and that was reallly, really hard. Anyway, this was supposed to be a peaceful day in my favorite cafe in La Jolla, one of San Diego’s bougiest neighborhoods. I just wanted my damn iced tea, but this Australian guy was acting like an entire clown. Interrupted me while I’m trying to place my order. Screamed at the poor baristas who had no choice but to handle this idiot. It was jarring behavior. Nobody liked it. So we all as a collective had to shut him down. It's a good thing Lucy was there. He seemed to level everyone out, which is not hard to do as a Prince of Darkness.
I’m gonna have to do a World’s Worst Podcast on the whole story because it was wild. Imagine wilding out over a refund on a cappuccino a block away from happy sea lions. What a miserable human being. So many thoughts. Entirely too many to fit here. Stay tuned, citizens.