Love, Joolz: Vacay Photos

Okay, so this is a good one. Last year I went on a cruise vacation. I took a lot of photos of Puerto Rico and St Thomas, but also some photos of myself on the ship. Very normal things happening here. As I looked at myself in one of the photos, I thought, “why don’t I post one of these? Just for funsies.”

I try to stay more private these days, but one little vacay photo couldn’t hurt, right?

After I posted a photo of myself enjoying a drink on a cruise ship, I got the news the next morning. A very mean and resentful person in my life had put out some interesting news about themselves. It wasn’t the best news for this person. I’ll have to go into the details of that in another story. But wow. I didn’t know my mere vacay photos were enough to send people into an emotional tailspin. Could my vacation photos have spurned this person into losing their marbles or was it just divine timing? Who knows? Who cares? It was a great start to my trip.

I may have to do comics about Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and the odd, little cruise-only Island in the Bahamas. In Puerto Rico, a bird jumped on my head. In St. Thomas, I got an action packed ride up a mountain most stunt drivers would swoon at. In the odd cruise Island, I witnessed their oddly manicured beach. Like they lawn mowed the water. It’s weird. I was mostly delayed on making comics about this stuff because I was exhausted after the trip and needed time to get myself back together.

Nobody is ready for the Love, Joolz travelogues.

-Love, Joolz