Since Hurricane Vendetta is slated to be an animated project I thought I’d get to storyboarding some test shots. I’m trying to teach myself Storyboard Pro so I can get rolling with doing longer animated sequences. I’ve learned from my Love Joolz stuff that I can do longer animatic videos.
So what I’m trying to do here is just figure out how to time silly cartoon sketches to voice acting. With these images, we see me messing with the style of how I want to do these boards. I feel pretty good at the direction so far, especially when adding color. We all know I have a thing for spot colors. I would LOVE to do this as a colored storyboard and turn it into something Love, Joolz looking. That would be neat.
But let’s be real. I fully intend to make this a final colored project. I’m me. This shit is gonna go all the way to the top.
This particular scene is a test shot of when Vanessa delivers a speech at at her preppy high school that makes the audience’s eyes water. But for all the wrong reasons of course. I cannot wait to act out her speech and show you the final product. It’s gonna be electric.
-love, Joolz