Talking Whales and Transforming Surfboards

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted anything significant. I’ve been busy trying to figure out the best process for doing storyboards. When to do roughs? When to do clean ups? What should finalized boards look like? How do I break a scene into sequences? This week, I've storyboarded the scene where Vanessa boards the C Train and meets some interesting characters. In this sequence, we see Vanessa talk to a whale.

I’m so ridiculously proud of this sequence.

Taking time to nail down character acting and timing is everything in a scene like this, where we see Vanessa has a supernatural connection with the whale. This is the magic of animation, seeing this come alive in a way that wouldn't have hit as hard in a graphic novel.

Seeing my ideas come together through storyboarding has been the most rewarding part of this process. Even complicated ideas such as how to make the rebel characters’ surfboards go from backpack size to full size came to fruition.

Look! I made a transforming surfboard!

According to the progress chart I set up, the pilot has been storyboarded almost halfway. Not half bad considering I’ve been doing this project in my off time. If I can rough one scene a week, I can finish the whole episode in about a month and change.

Also, I’ll be in the recording studio this week with my animation partner, doing voices and working on getting sound lock on these scenes. Sound Lock is when the soundtrack for an animation has been finalized including voices. This makes it possible to finish the final timing on the storyboard art to ship to animation.

I can’t believe I’ve gotten so much storyboarded already. I’m so excited to show you more.

The full string out of the Surfboard Scene is available to watch for Patreon Video subscribers.